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The data on this page has a more permanent, non-Notion home at contratunes.org. This Notion page will continue to be available for now, but please update your bookmarks!


If you are interested in learning to play some of the tunes that you dance to each week, you should come join us! We’re learning tunes by ear, practicing playing together in a group, and building and maintaining a shared local repertoire.

We’ll learn two or three contra dance tunes by ear per session. All instruments and levels are welcome. The focus will largely be on melody.

🗓  We meet once a month for a 2-hour session: 2nd Sundays from 6-8 PM. Please be a few minutes early so you can unpack and be ready to start playing at 6!

🏡  We have several generous hosts for the session, in homes located just north of Seattle. We’ll send out the location with the session reminders for anyone on our list.

🎵  We have two incredible teachers, who have a ton of experience playing for contra dances and teaching: **Hayden Stern** and **Sarah Comer.** We may also have a guest teacher now and then.

💸  These teaching sessions are free! Donations are appreciated, but not required.

💌  If you are interested in attending or would like more information, send an email to [email protected], or fill out the Email List Signup form on this page.

💡 This has been strongly inspired by the Portland Contra Tune Sessions - check them out here!

Session Calendar

Use this link to add the sessions to your Google Calendar.


Tune Archive

Open the Tune Archive on its own.

Click on the Recording to listen to or download the audio.

It will open in a new tab; use the menu under the three dots on the right to download or change the playback speed.

You can sort, filter, and search the archive here (hover over the table to get the menu icons).


If you have any trouble viewing anything on this page, please try the non-Notion version at contratunes.org.